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Want Your Website Managed By The Top SEO Agency In The Industry?

Find out how you could increase your website’s traffic by 91x

The industry is crowded with SEO companies, freelancers, and so-called gurus that claim to have some kind of “secret sauce” for search engine optimization and online marketing.

I don’t believe in secret sauces, I believe in what works – I believe in thorough testing and experience-based research.

That’s why I only partner with SEO companies that are testers just like me. I founded The Search Initiative with a team of like minded digital marketers who rely on research and testing to come up with better and safer strategies for SEO.

Together, we have helped hundreds of websites rank on the first page…and your site could be one of them.


As Featured In


Only An Expert SEO Agency Can Provide You With Amazing Results

Search engine optimization is hard. You have to keep up with the latest Google updates, spending countless hours (and dollars) trying to figure out the winning formula.

Stop wasting your time and resources on strategies that won’t deliver the results you want. 

The Search Initiative provides world-class SEO and digital marketing services that are designed to build your online presence, rank your site, and keep you at the top spot.

Our target is simple: better, long-term rankings on Google. The road to #1 is different for everyone, so we tailor-fit our search engine optimization strategies to play to your strengths, address your weaknesses, and help you achieve your business objectives.

From penalty removal to site audits to expert link building and bespoke content creation, we deliver action plans designed to improve rankings, increase traffic, and drive revenue.

And since your needs could change month over month, our roadmap for your site will too. This is why there’s no “secret sauce” at our SEO agency – we don’t stick to a template or rigid process. We adapt everything based on what your business is, where you are now, and where you want to be.

Not very tech-savvy? Does SEO jargon confuse you? That’s what we’re here for.

We take full control over your search engine optimization, giving you the freedom to focus on your business, spend time with friends and family, or even just relax. Our team of industry experts has over 50+ years of combined experience and a stellar track record, so your site is in good hands.

Ultimately, though, the goal isn’t just a fully-optimized site and better rankings. We help you get what every business wants: more conversions. We turn your website traffic into profit by optimizing for both search engines and sales.

Many other SEO companies or professionals have made the same claims, so what makes us different?

The results speak for themselves. We’ve helped more than 250 websites across different niches rank on the first page of the SERP. Your site could be next.

What Makes Us A Top SEO Agency

Don’t listen to us, listen to the clients we’ve worked with:

In April of 2017, we apparently had gotten a Google Penalty, losing 6,000 Keyword positions overnight. Naturally, we wanted to recover as fast as possible. After talking with many people in the SEO community, we decided to work with The Search Initiative. Not only did we get a full Penalty recovery, but our traffic has since tripled and our income doubled. We’ve seen a consistent month over month growth in traffic and positions. Looking forward to gaining more positions and higher rankings in more terms.

Jamie Toelle  // Founder & Social Media Strategist

Now 8 months into my campaign with TSI, their work has more than doubled traffic to my website since then. They have stayed professional throughout, and I definitely feel like my site is in good hands SEO-wise.

Sam  //

I reached out to Rad and The Search Initiative team when one of my clients' sites was struggling to increase their rank. Rad provided a very comprehensive audit report which highlighted various areas for improvement. The report was thorough, easy to understand, actionable, and complemented with a phone call to explain key parts in detail. I was very impressed with the service received, especially the knowledge of Rad, he clearly knows his stuff. Highly recommend.

Greg McBrien  // Australian Dynamic Technologies

Hiring TSI has been the best business decision I’ve made. Not only have they helped me achieve and maintain the #1 ranking in my niche, but they’ve helped me increase my conversion rates, improve user experience, and publish better content. My website’s SEO and rankings used to be my biggest stress, now I don’t think about it all. I know TSI is handling it.

Bryan Gill  //

I'm super impressed by the workflow, support, and results delivered by TSI. Their expertise and friendly team is a winning recipe! If you're on the fence, just do it! You will not be disappointed!

Max Person //

Are you ready to handle more website traffic, more customers, and more profit?

Apply to become one of The Search Initiative’s clients today.

And hurry, demand is higher than ever before, and we only have a few slots left for new clients!

The Top SEO Agency For Organic & Local Search

If you want the job done right, you need to have the right people. The top minds on our team come from a wide range of backgrounds, but we are all digital marketing experts.

Many of our search engine optimization pros come from the best universities around the world, and we’ve hand-picked them for their passion and smarts. Each one has gone through a rigorous in-house training process that’s turned them into some of the most successful and hardworking professionals in the industry.

Our agency’s approach is meticulous from the top down.

We start by asking about your business objectives and auditing your current site so that we know what we’re working with. Then, we figure out your website’s weak points to zero in on our top priorities. After our team implements the strategy, we measure the results and refine the plan based on the data.

Then, we repeat the process the next month. Then the next. And so on, until we start hitting those goals and are free to create new milestones.

Unlike many other SEO companies, we don’t rely on trends or even educated guesswork – we are constantly testing the Google algorithm so that we completely understand it…and therefore master it. Our digital marketing strategies are entirely based on techniques that are already proven to work. These are the techniques we use to rank our other clients’ sites and even our own.

Time and time again, our SEO agency has proven that we get results – and that’s why we’re trusted by big brands. Among our clients, partners, and associates are the likes of the New York Post, Empire Flippers, Search Engine Journal, SEMrush, Skyscanner, and even SEO giant Ahrefs.

sej search engine journal logo
Semrush Logo
ahrefs Logo

How Will Our SEO Company Help Your Business?

It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in or how much SEO experience you have, we can help.

The Search Initiative gives you the best possible advantage in the competitive online landscape.

We provide a full suite of SEO services that include keyword research, website optimization, content marketing, and a detailed link building plan designed to boost your authority.

Our SEO plans aren’t one-and-done, either. Search engine optimization is an ongoing process to keep you ahead of the competition.

Every month, we review your website’s performance and then tweak the digital marketing strategy accordingly. Instead of the same old stuff, you’ll always have a fresh and up-to-date plan. Refining the strategy as we go based on the data is how we propel your business closer to your goals. With search engine optimization, you’re not just worried about organic traffic and other metrics.

You also have to make sure that your site avoids penalties.

If you’ve ever gotten a penalty, you know it’s serious business. Losing your position on the SERP means losing on organic traffic and revenue, so you want to get back in the game as soon as possible.

Our SEO agency offers complete penalty removal, whether it’s a manual penalty or an algorithmic one. Getting rid of these is usually tedious and time-consuming, but as with all of your other digital marketing needs, we’ve got you covered.

Because we put such a huge emphasis on research and testing, we know what practices put you at risk. We also know what needs to be done to remove your penalty and future-proof your site.

On average, it takes us just 2-3 weeks to get manual penalties revoked, so you don’t have to spend months in SERP limbo. But that’s not all.

We’re not satisfied with just bringing your website back to where it was before the penalty, we aim higher. Most of our clients saw even higher rankings after their sites started showing up on the results page again.

You can get rid of hefty penalties in a snap. Just sit back, relax, let the SEO experts do the work…and then reap the benefits.

You don’t have to waste time or money trying to learn search engine optimization on your own.

Many of our clients have seen dramatic improvements in just six months – one voucher affiliate’s traffic increased by a whopping 2017%, while a video game site grew their monthly users five-fold from 20,000 to 100,000.

These fast but powerful results aren’t the exception at The Search Initiative. And it’s not just organic traffic that’s seeing a boost, but profits as well.

A home furniture company signed up with us, and within half a year, their revenue had increased 1.25x. Now, they’re consistently hitting six digits in revenue each month, and it’s recently just doubled.

If you want to see these numbers on your own campaigns, you need to start NOW. Get in touch with The Search Initiative to find out how we can replicate this success with your site.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is a branch of digital marketing that’s focused on ranking your content for specific keywords. Getting your site on the first page of the SERP is a huge boon for small businesses. Not only does it boost your online presence, but it also helps you connect with potential customers who are looking for what you have to offer.




When most people talk about search engine optimization, they often mean organic SEO. Organic SEO is all about ranking your website and increasing your traffic. This is further divided into two subsets: on-site and off-site SEO. With solid content marketing, technical SEO, and a backlink building strategy, your rankings could skyrocket.




If organic SEO is about ranking your website, local SEO is about ranking your Google My Business listing. More and more people are using Google to find small businesses in their area, so getting your GMB to the top of the local pack in the SERP is essential to any modern digital marketing strategy.

We Do On-Site SEO Optimization

One half of the SEO puzzle is on-site optimization. On-site optimization covers any tweak we make to your actual website in order to improve its rankings. This usually involves a mix of content marketing and technical SEO.

To get to the first page, you need content that’s optimized with the right keywords in the right places. Our SEO-friendly content marketing plan will help you rank for multiple keywords so that you reach the most number of people. Google prioritizes high-quality content in the SERP, so we also make sure that your content is well-written, relevant, and valuable to your readers.

Technical SEO, on the other hand, deals with the website backend. This could include getting rid of unnecessary schema, reducing duplicate pages, and making sure that the site is encrypted. At our SEO agency, we always optimize for maximum speed, security, and performance.


“Working with TSI was a pleasure. Very streamlined processes. We received a very easy to understand on-page audit that was a breeze for our team to implement. They found some technical issues which we fixed straight away and saw an SEO improvement. They also designed a SEO plan which we followed with fantastic results. Highly recommended.”

– Kurt Phillip, Convertica

We Do Off-Site SEO Optimization

It’s not just on-site factors that contribute to your SERP rankings – off-site signals matter just as much, if not more. Google only wants to rank relevant and high-quality sites, so they check your backlink profile to see how many (and what kinds of) external websites link to your content. Simply put, the more respected sites that link to yours, the more trustworthy and authoritative Google thinks you are, and the higher your site will rank.

Off-site optimization is a cornerstone of most of our digital marketing strategies. Most of the time, it’s a bad backlink profile or weak link outreach that’s holding your website back. We do targeted and natural link building on relevant sites, which lets us speed up your growth while keeping your site as safe as we can.

One half of the SEO puzzle is on-site optimization. On-site optimization covers any tweak we make to your actual website in order to improve its rankings. This usually involves a mix of content marketing and technical SEO.

To get to the first page, you need content that’s optimized with the right keywords in the right places. Our SEO-friendly content marketing plan will help you rank for multiple keywords so that you reach the most number of people. Google prioritizes high-quality content in the SERP, so we also make sure that your content is well-written, relevant, and valuable to your readers.

Technical SEO, on the other hand, deals with the website backend. This could include getting rid of unnecessary schema, reducing duplicate pages, and making sure that the site is encrypted. At our SEO agency, we always optimize for maximum speed, security, and performance.

“These guys are your secret weapon. I have been in the digital space for over fifteen years now and trust me, when push comes to shove, these are the guys you want in your corner. Be it a local business site or a client with multimillion visitors, you just can’t go wrong. Highly recommended.”

– Shan Goshal, Mojo Media

Whether you need on-site or off-site or a combination of both, The Search Initiative is the best SEO marketing agency for the job. Sign up for our services and see what it’s like to have an expert SEO company in your corner.

Implementing Google Analytics for SEO Tracking

We’ve mentioned this many times, but it’s important enough that it bears repeating. If you don’t track your results, there’s no way to know if your campaign is working or not. We use a lot of tools to monitor our clients’ progress, but there’s one tool that we turn to time and time again: Google Analytics.

We set up Google Analytics on all of our campaigns so that we can see what’s happening in detail. This lets us pinpoint key traffic sources, benchmark specific metrics, and set measurable goals for your SEO growth. Some of the metrics we track include your website traffic, user demographic, and conversion rate. We don’t do this just to show you positive trends on your client reports (although that’s a huge plus), we do it so we can identify the best practices and the areas that need improvement.

Preferred SEO Tools



One of the best on-page search optimization tools, SurferSEO provides us with actionable steps on how to improve your content for higher rankings.

Semrush Logo


SEO, PPC, social media marketing, digital advertising, content marketing – is there anything SEMrush can’t do? This full SEO suite is one of our most reliable (and most used) tools.



Any SEO agency worth their salt will have Ahrefs in their arsenal. Ahrefs has a huge database of keywords and live backlinks, and they’re constantly refreshing it so that it’s always up-to-date.



This award-winning website crawler helps us see your site from the search engine’s perspective, providing us with actionable insight into your technical SEO.


Screaming Frog

Another site crawler, Screaming Frog allows us to identify on-page issues like broken links, redirects, and duplicate content.


Agency Analytics

Agency Analytics is our client reporting tool of choice. Their intuitive dashboard gives us a full view of your marketing, from social media to GMB and beyond.

Creating SEO-Friendly Websites:Our Digital Marketing Process

Run A Full Website Audit

The first step to getting higher rankings is finding out what’s holding you back in the first place. Whenever we work with a new client, our team runs a full on-site technical audit before anything else. This helps us identify the biggest issues with the site and come up with the best SEO plan of attack.


Fix The Technical Problems

Slow loading speed? Duplicate pages? Broken links? Redirects? We clean up your site so that the user experience is seamless. We also fix your sitemap to make navigating the site easier and more intuitive.


Fix The Content

Content is king, and it’s the foundation of any successful digital marketing strategy. We start with the basics: researching the right search terms to target. Then, we rework the content (including meta titles and descriptions) so that it has the right keyword density and doesn’t cannibalize rankings from other pages.


Strengthen The Backlink Profile

Once the on-site issues are fixed, we move on to building out a well-balanced backlink profile. First, we disavow low-value links coming from suspicious or spam sites. Then, combining natural and targeted link building tactics, we get other websites within your niche to link to your content. Of course, the anchor text is balanced and optimized with your main keywords to push relevance to the target page.


Track Your Progress

Last, but definitely not least, we monitor your progress during and after the campaign period. By analyzing the trends of your organic traffic and other key performance metrics, we’ll be able to determine if there are any other on-site or off-site optimizations necessary to bring you better results.


What Our Clients Say

“Great service. Each month, our traffic increases and we get tons of new leads. The only issue for us is keeping on top of all the new business!”

Steve C. Investment Website Owner

“We are ranking a large site for multiple terms, and whilst the foundations are still being laid in the project, we can see the value and the future position of our site. This is one agency I would have no hesitation in recommending to anyone who is serious about growing their business!”

James T. Website Owner

“The Search Initiative really knows their stuff. Took our site from nowhere to the first page of Google for lots of really important keywords. We’d happily recommend them.”

Jon N. Property Website Owner

Take your online marketing to the next level and get the rankings you’ve always wanted. The Search Initiative provides comprehensive search engine optimization services.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

What is The Search Initiative?

The Search Initiative is an SEO agency founded by some of the biggest names in search engine optimization. Because of our attention to detail, heavy emphasis on research, and ability to provide excellent results, our SEO services are highly sought-after in the industry.

How much does it cost to hire your search engine optimization services?

Like most digital marketing, The Search Initiative’s search engine optimization services are priced on a contract-to-contract basis. Many factors can affect the cost such as how competitive your niche is, how much work your site needs, and what business goals you want to achieve.

Is there a minimum contract length or lock-in period?

Search engine optimization doesn’t work overnight, it takes time to see results. So if you want to make the most out of your digital marketing spend, you want to be in it for the long haul. Still, we don’t believe in locking you into a contract even if you’re not satisfied with our services, so we offer digital marketing contracts with a short four-month period—the right amount of time to see results pay off or decide that you want to work with someone else . We also provide one-time SEO audits if you can’t commit to a contract.

Is TSI only for big names and multinational companies?

Some SEO companies refuse to work with small businesses. While we do have several well-known brands on our roster of clients, our SEO services are available no matter how big your business is. Even more so than large companies, small businesses can seriously benefit from a little search engine optimization.

Do you also do local SEO on top of organic search?

Organic search optimization is one of our agency’s most popular services, but we also have tons of experience with local campaigns. If you want to rank in the local pack and reach people within your community, our local SEO services could get you there.

Does The Search Initiative do social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, web design, SEO PPC, or other digital marketing services?

While social media, web design, email marketing campaigns, and other digital advertising efforts can all contribute to your SERP rankings, our marketing agency focuses on search engine optimization.


The Search Engine Optimization Expert

If your business is going to do SEO, do it right! The Search Initiative is the internet’s top marketing agency for search engine optimization. Armed with data-driven solutions, our team of SEO pros are ready to make things happen. No fluff, no experiments – just results. Contact us today to learn more about our services!