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What Is A Listicle? (8 Different Types)

What Is A Listicle

As the internet’s attention span becomes shorter, a new form of writing has emerged and taken over the web: the listicle. But what exactly is a listicle, and why have they become so popular in online content?

As a professional content writer with years of experience creating engaging and informative listicles, I’ve seen firsthand how this type of content can capture readers’ attention and keep them engaged. 

In this blog post, I’ll share my insights into what makes a great listicle, how to use them effectively in your content strategy, and why they are among the most popular forms of online content today.

If you want to improve your content game and capture your audience’s attention, this article is for you. 

What Is A Listicle?

A listicle is structured as a list with attractive titles and short explanations or descriptions of the valuable items. Another name for a listicle is a list article.


Listicles are prevalent in online media as they provide quick, easy-to-digest information or entertainment. They cover topics like news, pop culture, and lifestyle and can range in length from fewer items to a considerable number.

Each list item on the list post is usually accompanied by a brief description or explanation, making it easy for readers to consume and digest the information quickly.

Listicles help present a large amount of information in small, easy-to-scan, numbered sections.
– Neil Patel, Co-Founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics

What Makes A Good Listicle?

Have you ever been drawn to an article because of its catchy headline? The headline was so intriguing that you just had to click to see what was inside. Chances are, you clicked on a listicle. Here are some qualities that make a good listicle

  • Clear And Compelling Headline – The headline should be catchy and informative, clearly indicating what the listicle is about and why readers should be interested. 
  • Focused Topic – Most listicles have a specific topic or theme that is relevant, eye-catching, and interesting to the target audience.
  • Engaging Writing StyleThe writing style should be conversational, engaging, and easy to read, using short sentences, list points, and subheadings to break up the text.
  • Well-Organized StructureThe listicle should be well-organized and easy to follow, with a logical progression from one point to the next. A well-organized structure makes listicles easy to read.
  • Useful And Informative Content – Each list item should provide helpful information or insights that the reader can use or learn from.
  • Visual ElementsIncluding visuals like images or videos can make the listicle more visually appealing and engaging.
  • Shareability – A good listicle is easily shareable through social media or email, which can help increase its reach and exposure.

How To Write An Engaging Listicle

Listicles have become a popular format for online content because they are easy to read, visually appealing, and can be shared easily. 

Listicle items

But with so many listicles, how can you ensure yours stands out and engages your audience? Here are some simple tips on how to write an engaging listicle:

1. Choose A Topic That Resonates With Your Audience 

Consider what your audience is interested in and what they might be searching for. Choosing a topic/subject that resonates with them will help draw them in.

2. Grab Your Reader’s Attention

Start with a catchy headline and an interesting opening sentence. Engaging headlines is the key to gaining readership, so take the time to develop something clever.

Attention Grabbing image

It should be short, sweet, and to the point while still giving readers an idea of what the article is about. Use numbers, adjectives, or questions to pique your reader’s interest.

3. Keep It Brief

Smaller listicles are more concise than other types of articles, so they’re easy to read and don’t overwhelm readers. Each section should include bullet points of the main points and then elaborate with details afterward.

4. Make It Scannable

Make sure each section of your listicle is easily readable by breaking up long sentences into shorter ones, using subheadings, and utilizing bold text for highlights.


This will make it easier for readers to quickly scan through the blog post while still getting a sense of all the points. 

5. Use Visuals 

Use visuals like images, infographics, and videos to break up the text and make your listicle more visually appealing. People are more likely to engage with content that has visuals.

6. Use A Conversational Tone 

Write your listicle as if you’re having a conversation with your reader. This will make it more engaging and relatable.

7. Make Your Points Interesting And Informative 

Each point in your listicle should be interesting, informative, and relevant to your topic. Don’t just list facts; make them interesting by including personal anecdotes or quotes. 

Quotation Marks

8. End With A Call To Action 

End your listicle with a call to action, encouraging readers to engage with your content or take the next step. This could be signing up for a newsletter or leaving a comment.

What Are The Benefits Of Listicles?

These are some of the key benefits of publishing listicles on your website:

  • Brevity And Clarity – Listicles are written briefly so readers get an easy-to-digest summary of a topic. This also helps with clarity—you can focus on a few key points without getting bogged down with too many details.
  • Readability And Engagement – Short paragraphs make listicles easier to read than traditional articles, making them more engaging for readers. Plus, readers can choose which topics to dive into, giving them more control over their reading experience.
  • SEO Benefits – The keyword-rich structure of listicles makes them friendly for search engine optimization (SEO). That means you can get more visibility in search engine results when your content is optimized correctly.

8 Types Of Listicles

These are some of the most popular types of listicles that you should consider adding to your website

1. Best-Of Lists

These are probably the most popular listicles; they highlight the best things in a particular category, such as “Top 10 Books All Authors Should Read” or “Top 10 Products to Buy for Your Home.” These lists can provide readers with informative information on specific topics.

Top 10

2. Pros And Cons Lists

This listicle type compares two or more things and gives readers a comprehensive look at both sides of a topic—the pros and the cons. This style is often used to define key topics in your field or review products. For example, “The Pros and Cons of Living in the City vs. the Suburbs.” 

3. Resource Lists

Resource listicles often give readers helpful information and a few ideas they can use in their everyday lives or business. They might include different tutorials, tools, services, or websites to help readers learn more about a specific topic.

4. Step-By-Step Lists 

These list posts give readers ultimate guides on how to do something—such as setting up a page, creating a logo, writing an eBook, etc. They are great for providing readers with an easy way to follow instructions and be successful with their projects.

Step by step list

5. Worst-Of Lists 

Unlike a “Best-of” list, these listicles focus on the worst things in a particular category, such as “10 Worst Fashion Trends of the 90s.”

6. Personal Experience Lists 

These listicles offer insights or personal anecdotes from the author’s life, such as “10 Things I Learned While Traveling the World.”

7. News/Current Events Lists 

These listicles provide a quick overview of current news or events, such as “10 Things You Need to Know About the Latest Election Results.”

8. Quiz Lists 

These listicles are designed as quizzes, usually with multiple-choice questions that allow readers to test their knowledge or personality, such as “What Type of Dog Breed Matches Your Personality?”

How To Leverage Your Listicles For SEO

Now that you know what a listicle is, how can you use them to get some SEO love? Listicles are great for primary keyword optimization; they are easy to read and share and can be leveraged for search engine optimization.


Here are some SEO tips on how to leverage your listicle for SEO

1. Keywords

If you want to leverage your listicle for SEO, doing keyword research is best for your blog post. There are different types of keywords; they include primary keywords, secondary keywords, and long tail keywords.

Use these keywords strategically so the search engine will pick up on them more easily. When planning list articles, research what terms appeal to your audience and use them in your title, headings, and body copy. 

Your title should include a keyword or phrase you want to rank for. Use a tool like Google Keyword Planner to find popular search terms related to your topic.

2. Headings

Breaking an article into sections is key for good readability, not just for SEO— readers like it when things are easy to find.

Break up your listicle into short paragraphs and use H3 subheadings or bullets/numbers to make it easier for readers and search engines to digest the information quickly and make your content easy to read.

3. Links 

Internal linking is a great way to get extra SEO success. It also engages potential readers by taking them directly to other relevant pages of your website or blog posts.


You can also add outside links that give even more comprehensive information about topics in the listicle. 

4. Optimize Your Images

Use descriptive alt tags and file names for your images to make them more search engine friendly.

5. Add Meta Tags 

Include a meta description and core keywords that summarize your content and include your target keyword.

6. Share On Social Media

Promote your listicle on social media to increase visibility and drive traffic to your site.

Social Media

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are Listicles So Popular?

Listicles are popular because they are easy to read, skimmable, attention-grabbing, shareable, versatile, and visually appealing.

What Are Some Listicle Examples?

Listicle examples include “10 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep”, “5 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Vacation”,  “Fun Nails Ideas,” and “15 Hilarious Cat Memes You Need to See”.

How Long Should A Listicle Be?

How long a listicle should be varies depending on the topic and the target audience. Generally, a listicle should be long enough to provide valuable in-depth information for a simple and complicated topic but short enough to keep the reader’s attention.

Do listicles Need To Be In Numerical Order?

No, listicles do not need a numerical or particular order. The number in the title is simply a device to grab the reader’s attention.

Can Listicles Improve SEO?

Yes, listicles can improve SEO by including related keywords, using descriptive subheadings, and providing valuable content that attracts traffic to a page.


Should I Use Listicles In My Content Marketing Strategy?

You should use listicles in your content marketing strategy as list format can be a valuable addition to a content strategy, as they are shareable, engaging, and can attract traffic to a website.

However, it’s essential to use them strategically and ensure they provide the reader value.

Start Using Listicles For Your Website Today

Listicles are a popular and versatile format that can be used for various topics. They are easy-to-read and entertaining articles designed to be digested in a few minutes. A listicle’s value comes from its brevity, approachability, and structure.

Listicles are great for grabbing attention and improving your performance on search engines, so trying them will provide outstanding results. To delve deeper into this subject, taking the affiliate marketing course on The Affiliate Lab would be an excellent initial move.


Article by

Matt Diggity

Matt is the founder of Diggity Marketing, LeadSpring, The Search Initiative, The Affiliate Lab, and the Chiang Mai SEO Conference. He actually does SEO too.

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