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Onsite SEO

Find out the Onsite SEO tools and tactics that will skyrocket your rankings and traffic.

On page SEO Checklist Cover Photo

The Definitive On-Page SEO Checklist For 2024

As much as having great content, a sound technical foundation (i.e. having a mobile friendly website) and link building can get your site on the right track for SEO dominance, sometimes, it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference…

I’ve over a decade of experience in the SEO experience, and I understand the importance of optimizing on-page SEO elements for achieving search engine dominance.

Therefore, I’ve created the ultimate On Page SEO Checklist so that you can ensure that the primary elements of your site pages are well-optimized. Read more »

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Silo Structure & Website Architecture: SEO Silos Made Easy

If you’ve been developing blog posts and content on your site without a plan, you may be undermining your goals. You may have already lost months of potential growth, and set your website up to grow sluggishly while brand new competitors easily zip ahead of you.

As an experienced digital strategist, I can assure you that there is an effective way to structure your website to capture the attention of search engines like Google. One of those ways is by applying a silo structure. Different models of siloing can help you create an SEO-friendly site, and choosing the right one can unlock the potential for explosive growth.

In this article, you’ll learn what siloing is and how it benefits your website’s search engine optimization. Then, I’ll take you through 5 silo structures for your site and show where they excel and fall short. I’ll close with some advice on choosing silos, and answer top questions.Read More »Silo Structure & Website Architecture: SEO Silos Made Easy Read more »

Best Info to Commercial Content Ratio for Affiliate SEO Featured

What’s The Best Info To Commercial Content Ratio For Affiliate SEO? [Data-Backed Study]

In December 2020, many affiliate websites completely lost their rankings due to Google’s Core Algorithm Update. If your site’s rankings were also wiped out by this update or if you just want to make sure your sites won’t be affected by it in the future, this post is for you.

At the time, I had crawled over 600 affiliate websites to tease out what commonalities there were on sites that gained rankings vs sites that lost rankings following the update. You can watch that analysis here:

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Keyword Research Guide Cover Photo

How To Do Keyword Research for SEO in 2024: Strategy & Tools

As an experienced digital marketer and SEO expert, I know that no search engine optimization strategy can be truly effective without first performing thorough keyword research.

Regardless of how much or how good your content is or how many backlinks your website has, you’re going to struggle to rank if nobody is searching for what you’re writing about.

That’s why I’ve put together a guide on how to carry out keyword research, along with a helpful checklist and template for you to follow. Read more »

The Ultimate SEO Content Audit Cover Image

How To Do a SEO Content Audit For Your Website in 2024

You’ve probably heard the saying, “content is king.”

While having a technically sound website and strong link profile are great accelerators for SEO dominance, these days, they’ll hardly move the needle if you don’t have a solid content strategy.

As an experienced digital marketer who has built multiple successful affiliate websites, I understand the importance of content in driving results. Read more »

Technical SEO Audit Cover Image

The Definitive Technical SEO Audit Guide For 2024

To put it simply, if your website’s technical SEO isn’t on point – you’re not going to rank well on Google.

As a professional digital marketer with over 10 years of experience in conducting technical SEO audits, I understand this very well.

Having great content and backlinks isn’t enough when it comes to ranking in the top positions of Google search. If you really want to dominate the search engine results pages, you want to make sure that your website’s Technical SEO is perfect. Read more »

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Site Speed Optimization in 2024: The Definitive Guide

Want to improve your website speed and boost your site rankings? Looking to improve your sites Core Web Vitals? Are you confused by all the conflicting information out there on website speed testing and how to speed up your wordpress site?

This is why I’ve put together this in-depth guide on Website Speed Optimization…

My team and I have optimized over 4000 sites since we started offering website speed as a separate service under our brand. Read more »

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45.99% Earnings Increase in 5 Months for a Digital Infoproduct [SEO Case Study]

You’re about to get the strategy behind one of the most challenging SEO campaigns my SEO agency has ever run.

Why was it so challenging?  3 reasons:

In the case study below, you’re going to learn the technical playbook, the onsite content strategy, and the link building techniques we carried out to get this 45.99% revenue growth win for this infoproduct business. Read more »

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Ultimate Guide to Surfer Onsite Optimization in 2024

Do you know the best thing about on-page SEO? Control.

As an experienced SEO professional with more than 10 years of experience in the filed and founder of multiple 7 figure digital marketing businesses, I know firsthand the importance of on-page optimization in achieving higher search engine rankings.

Even with a small budget, you can see real results with on-page optimization. You won’t get the #1 spot overnight, but you can still rise in the ranks with fewer backlinks than your competitors. Read more »

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E-Commerce SEO Case Study: How we 4x’d Traffic and Doubled Revenue

Whether you’re an e-commerce manager or an SEO specialist, you’ve invested a considerable amount of time and energy into working out the best practice approach for tackling organic search for online stores.

In this case study, I’ll be showing you my agency The Search Initiative was able to double revenue by building a custom strategy for one of our e-commerce clients who operates within a small b2b furniture niche.

My goal with this case study is to introduce you to a wide range of new ideas that will help you to expand and improve your e-commerce SEO game and better serve your customers. Read more »