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Onsite SEO

Find out the Onsite SEO tools and tactics that will skyrocket your rankings and traffic.

Organic Traffic Increase Using Page Rank Cover Image

Case Study: A 4.5x Organic Traffic Increase Using (What?) Page Rank

I’ve been a director at The Search Initiative a while now. We’ve had some crazy results for a whole bunch of clients – all in very different niches.

I’m going to share with you how my team and I took a low-authority website and put our foot on the gas to get it moving – fast!

I truly believe there was a key ingredient that accelerated this website, but I’m going to share the whole process from the start. Why? Read more »

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The Definitive Guide to Keyword Cannibalization: How to Diagnose and Fix it

As an SEO veteran since 2009 and the founder of multiple 6-figures SEO businesses, including Diggity Marketing, LeadSpring, The Affiliate Lab, and The Search Initiative, I’ve encountered numerous SEO challenges.

One such challenge that’s been causing a stir in the industry is keyword cannibalization.

Despite the controversy surrounding it, I believe it’s crucial to address this issue as it can hinder your ranking success. Read more »

10beasts interview

The Story of – An Uncensored Interview with Luqman Khan

About a year ago, I was introduced to a site called

At the time, it was an 8-page affiliate website in the technology niche that quickly busted out of the sandbox in six-figure profitability within 8 months.  December 2016, it broke $80k.

This site became incredibly popular when it was featured on Glen Alsop’s  I mean, how often does someone go public with an affiliate website of this level? Read more »

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The Definitive Guide to Content for SEO and Conversion

As a seasoned digital marketer and content creator, I understand the critical role that content plays in SEO and conversion optimization. Crafting quality content is vital for driving traffic to your website, building brand awareness, and ultimately, converting visitors into customers.

good vs bad contentHowever, creating an effective content that serves both SEO and conversion goals requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of your target audience.

In this article, I will share my knowledge and expertise to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to create content that drives SEO and conversion success. I will focus mainly on conversion rate optimization (CRO). Read more »


How to Get Unstuck by Establishing Topic Relevance

Along this continual road as a student of SEO, there have been a handful of breakthrough techniques that I’ve picked up which helped me rise to new level.  Actually, I hesitate to call them techniques, since some of them are so simple, they really could be coined as “tricks” or “hacks”.  Nevertheless, before I had these breakthroughs I was stuck with a particular problem, and after I had integrated them into my knowledge-base, my entire suite of client and personal money sites experienced huge gains.

Some examples of these breakthroughs can be found in my posts on:

The particular hack I’ll be discussing in this article is how to create “On-page Topic Relevance”
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