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Case Studies

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Beating Google Updates Using Custom GPTs [Case Study]: 5X Traffic in 12 Months

Maintaining search visibility and traffic after a major Google algorithm update can be a tough task.

Using advanced content solutions allows you to stay ahead of Google’s algorithms like the Helpful Content Update, making sure your site meets the search engine’s standards while offering high-quality, relevant content that connects with your audience.

This case study shows how we achieved great results for our client after the update. Read more »


Case Study: A Holistic SEO Strategy That Tripled Traffic in a Year

From a marketing perspective, getting visitors onto your website is just half the battle when it comes to SEO. The other half, from a business perspective, is making sure that those organic visitors turn into paying customers or qualified leads.

Your SEO strategy should tackle both of these halves: it should contain the right content (so that Google puts you in front of relevant users) and be presented in the right way (so that users can easily find what they need and have a great experience).

By doing just this, my team at The Search Initiative tripled our client’s organic traffic from 15,919 to 47,256 sessions per month since the start of the campaign. Read more »


Case Study: An SEO Strategy That Tripled Revenue in 9 Months

Topical authority has been all the rage and has been the go-to strategy for SEOs over the past few years. The idea here is to write everything about your industry as you can, and Google should see you as the go-to source and rank you.

But, is there a more effective method that can help achieve this authority status, but also going to make you the most revenue?

What if there’s a way that instead of writing two hundred pages covering every single topic within your niche that you can think of, you just need to focus your effort on the hundred most impactful pieces of content that your target audience will find most helpful? Read more »

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Case Study: A User-First SEO Strategy That Generated +3700% More Traffic in < 12 Months

Through the numerous core algorithm updates announced over the past few years (most recently in March 2024), Google has made it clear that its focus is on rewarding websites with helpful, user-first content.

This means that if your website doesn’t think of your target audience first, you’ll struggle to rank.

In this case study, you’ll learn how my team at The Search Initiative grew our client’s organic traffic by 3,773.46% from 1,040 to 40,284 monthly sessions by adopting a client-customized, user-first SEO strategy and implementing some out-of-the-box tactics. Read more »


88% Monthly Traffic Growth & Outranking Amazon (SEO Case Study)

Going up against big competitors in your industry, like Outlook India for Affiliate sites, Amazon for eCommerce sites or Wikipedia for informational queries, isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible either.

With careful content optimization, following the right UX best practices and building authority with quality backlinks, there’s nothing stopping you from doing what we did with our client’s rankings.

In this case study, you’ll learn exactly how my team at The Search Initiative increased our client’s organic traffic from 72.4k to 136.4k sessions in under a year – and outranking the likes of Amazon for important keywords. Read more »


How to Grow Traffic by 368% (Market Disruption Case Study)

Whether you’re starting out from scratch or growing your existing brand’s organic search presence, there’s nothing stopping you from disrupting the search results pages of your industry one step at a time.

The key to doing this is keyword selection.

Combine this with killer, shareable content and a solid link building strategy, and you’re well on your way to boosting your organic traffic. Read more »


How to Grow Traffic by 60.99% & SEO Topical Authority (Case Study)

Whether you’re working on a brand new website, or building your existing site’s organic presence, it’s important to showcase your topical authority to both Google and your audience.

They want to see that the information you provide, or the products that you sell, are of great quality and are coming from a credible source.

That’s why it’s essential to present yourself as an authority through your content and your backlink profile. Read more »