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Case Studies

Get the latest SEO insights and field-tested strategies. Find out how others like you have seen increases in their traffic and revenue.

Double Your Organic Traffic Featured Image

Doubling Organic Traffic (YMYL SEO Case Study)

Over the past few years, Google has focused on ranking pages based on the authority, relevance and trust conveyed by a website’s content and backlinks.

That being said, increasing a website’s authority, relevance and trust has become more difficult than ever before.

If you have concerns that your site is falling behind your competition when it comes to these three factors, you’ll want to follow the steps outlined in this case study. Read more »

2x Monthly Traffic Within 6 Months Featured Image

How to Double Monthly Traffic Within Six Months – [eCommerce 2024 Case Study]

Do you have an eCommerce website with hundreds of category pages and thousands of product pages?

Learn how to grow your organic Google traffic in this follow along case study.

I’ll guide you step-by-step so you can learn the same tactics that my team at The Search Initiative used to double our client’s organic traffic on their eCommerce sneaker website within six months.Read More »How to Double Monthly Traffic Within Six Months – [eCommerce 2024 Case Study] Read more »


What a Data Dump From Empire Flippers Told Us About the Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing

As a seasoned affiliate marketer and founder of several successful niche websites, I understand the challenges that come with choosing the right niche for your affiliate marketing business. That’s why I was excited to partner with Empire Flippers to conduct a comprehensive data study on more than 300 affiliates, display advertising, and Amazon associate sites sold since 2019.

We’ve broken down this data to give you some niche ideas and help you choose the most lucrative affiliate marketing niches for your 1st or 50th site.

We’ll start by using the data to highlight the most important findings. Then we’ll take an eagle-eyed view of how all the sites in our study handle content, links, and time spent. Finally, we’ll reveal and analyze our favorite niches for affiliate marketing (in our opinion).Read More »What a Data Dump From Empire Flippers Told Us About the Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing Read more »

Technical SEO Audit Cover Image

The Definitive Technical SEO Audit Guide For 2024

To put it simply, if your website’s technical SEO isn’t on point – you’re not going to rank well on Google.

As a professional digital marketer with over 10 years of experience in conducting technical SEO audits, I understand this very well.

Having great content and backlinks isn’t enough when it comes to ranking in the top positions of Google search. If you really want to dominate the search engine results pages, you want to make sure that your website’s Technical SEO is perfect. Read more »

Maximize Your Website Traffic and Profits cover image

SEO Testing: The Secret To Maximize Your Website Traffic and Profits

Search engine optimization (SEO) requires constant testing to be effective. If you don’t understand what changes drive growth (or why visitors respond the way they do), you’ll waste your time guessing at solutions while your competitors leave you in the dust.

In this article, as someone with significant SEO expertise, I will provide a comprehensive understanding of SEO testing, the challenges of acquiring actionable data from Google Analytics, and how to conduct SEO tests that effectively improve your crucial performance indicators.

Upon concluding this article, you will not only recognize the transformative potential of SEO testing but also benefit from three of my recent test results that defy traditional SEO principles. Read more »

E-commerce Case Study Cover

E-Commerce SEO Case Study – How to Increase Traffic, Transactions, and Revenue

Throughout this case study, you will learn the techniques that were used to increase transactions on an e-commerce website by over 90%. This was done by building a custom, but replicable, strategy for a long-standing client of 2 years.

You will soon learn the technical, onsite, and backlinks approach that allowed this e-commerce client to grow their traffic by 48% year on year.

This traffic growth saw transactions increase by 93.20%, which generated an additional $49k for the year for the client or a 39.45% increase in overall revenue (from $123.6k up to $174.5k).Read More »E-Commerce SEO Case Study – How to Increase Traffic, Transactions, and Revenue Read more »

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45.99% Earnings Increase in 5 Months for a Digital Infoproduct [SEO Case Study]

You’re about to get the strategy behind one of the most challenging SEO campaigns my SEO agency has ever run.

Why was it so challenging?  3 reasons:

In the case study below, you’re going to learn the technical playbook, the onsite content strategy, and the link building techniques we carried out to get this 45.99% revenue growth win for this infoproduct business. Read more »

Surfer SEO - The Definitive Guide -Cover Image

Ultimate Guide to Surfer Onsite Optimization in 2024

Do you know the best thing about on-page SEO? Control.

As an experienced SEO professional with more than 10 years of experience in the filed and founder of multiple 7 figure digital marketing businesses, I know firsthand the importance of on-page optimization in achieving higher search engine rankings.

Even with a small budget, you can see real results with on-page optimization. You won’t get the #1 spot overnight, but you can still rise in the ranks with fewer backlinks than your competitors. Read more »