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Case Studies

Get the latest SEO insights and field-tested strategies. Find out how others like you have seen increases in their traffic and revenue.

Ecommerce Case Study Cover Image

E-Commerce SEO Case Study: How we 4x’d Traffic and Doubled Revenue

Whether you’re an e-commerce manager or an SEO specialist, you’ve invested a considerable amount of time and energy into working out the best practice approach for tackling organic search for online stores.

In this case study, I’ll be showing you my agency The Search Initiative was able to double revenue by building a custom strategy for one of our e-commerce clients who operates within a small b2b furniture niche.

My goal with this case study is to introduce you to a wide range of new ideas that will help you to expand and improve your e-commerce SEO game and better serve your customers. Read more »

Hardest Affiliate Niches

What Does it Take to Rank in the Most Difficult Affiliate SEO Niches?

Ever wonder what it’s like to compete in some of the most difficult affiliate SEO niches?

As someone who has built and sold multiple affiliate websites for a healthy profit, I understand the ins and outs of this competitive space.

To give you an inside look, I sat down with 6 of the world’s top affiliate SEO experts to discuss what it takes to rank in various competitive affiliate marketing niches, from CBD to Pharma. Read more »

Case Study for google algorithm update

How to Prepare Your Website for a Google Algorithm Update [Case Study]

I hope that you’ve never had to go through the pain of being hit by an algorithmic update.

You wake up one morning, your traffic is decimated, and your rank tracker is littered with red arrows.

Algorithmic penalties are not a subject I like to trivialize, that’s why the case study I am about to share with you is different than most you’ve read before. Read more »

Organic Traffic Increase Using Page Rank Cover Image

Case Study: A 4.5x Organic Traffic Increase Using (What?) Page Rank

I’ve been a director at The Search Initiative a while now. We’ve had some crazy results for a whole bunch of clients – all in very different niches.

I’m going to share with you how my team and I took a low-authority website and put our foot on the gas to get it moving – fast!

I truly believe there was a key ingredient that accelerated this website, but I’m going to share the whole process from the start. Why? Read more »

How to Build a Scalable White Hat Agency-cover Image

How to Build a Scalable White Hat Agency [Case Study from TSI]

A few years ago, my agency The Search Initiative (TSI) decided to remove PBNs as a part of our link building strategy and move over completely to a white hat link building model.

While PBNs only made up a small portion of our strategy, we knew this would be a fairly big undertaking. This would involve the re-design of the overall process and our approach to campaigns.

Every decision that we make at the agency is data-driven. We constantly test, experiment and analyze. Read more »

10beasts interview

The Story of – An Uncensored Interview with Luqman Khan

About a year ago, I was introduced to a site called

At the time, it was an 8-page affiliate website in the technology niche that quickly busted out of the sandbox in six-figure profitability within 8 months.  December 2016, it broke $80k.

This site became incredibly popular when it was featured on Glen Alsop’s  I mean, how often does someone go public with an affiliate website of this level? Read more »

SEO Spotlight

SEO Spotlight: Daryl Rosser, Lior Ohayon, Joseph Elshazly

Welcome back to Episode 2 of the SEO Spotlight series.  In the last episode, we visited three SEO’s that think outside-the-box in order to tackle their problems.

Being a person who appreciates creativity, I’ll be keeping up with the same theme here by interviewing three more SEOs who have made great progress in the areas of affiliate SEO, PBN, and client scaling.  You’ll learn their thought processes and find out how you can apply these same ideas to your own SEO projects.

Read More »SEO Spotlight: Daryl Rosser, Lior Ohayon, Joseph Elshazly Read more »