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5 Best SEO Web Hosting Service Companies in 2024

Best Web Hosting Service for SEO cover image

Last Updated on July 2024

Leveraging my expertise as an SEO specialist, I’ve come to understand the profound impact web hosting has on a website’s success—it can truly make or break aspects like speed, uptime, and overall performance.

But with so many hosting options out there, picking the right one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. To simplify this task, I’ve rolled up my sleeves and done the heavy lifting, researching and testing numerous hosting providers to find the best SEO-friendly ones.

Whether you’re setting up a blog, kickstarting an online store, or just aiming to boost your website’s search engine rankings, this guide will demystify the landscape of top hosting providers and their unique features.

1. WPX: Streamlined Hosting for SEO Initiatives and WordPress Projects

When considering web hosting for your website, one name stands out from the crowd for its emphasis on SEO and performance: WPX.Best in Class hosting - WPXHere’s a breakdown of why WPX has gained recognition and why it might be the right choice for your website, especially if you prioritize SEO.

1. WordPress-Focused: WPX specializes in WordPress hosting, which is a significant advantage given the extensive features and the robust community behind the WordPress platform [1]. For those aiming to build an SEO-driven WordPress site, this platform is often the top pick due to its flexibility and the vast array of available themes and plugins. WPX has further solidified its place as a top choice, being the #1 rated WordPress host on Trustpilot.

2. Market-Leading Speed: Page load time is paramount for SEO [2]. WPX, renowned for its exceptional speeds, ensures your site fires on all cylinders, effectively boosting your search engine positioning.

web hosting speed for page load

3. Impressive Uptime: Ensuring minimal website downtime is crucial for long-term SEO, as frequent outages can adversely affect user experience and your site’s bounce rate [3]. WPX’s commitment to uptime ensures that your site remains accessible, preventing potential negative impacts on your SEO standings.

4. Strategic Server Placement: WPX offers servers in strategically chosen locations, ensuring a quick server response time. Their infrastructural choices minimize potential risks associated with server locations, such as natural disasters.

server location around the world

5. A Fortress of Security: With WPX, your website isn’t just another digital asset; it’s a secure fortress. Offering one-click Cloudflare setup, WPX enhances security layers. HTTPS, a recognized ranking factor, is seamlessly supported alongside complimentary SSL certificates [4]. Regular security updates, vulnerability resolutions, and special features like malware resolution safeguard your site from the dark alleys of the internet.

6. Stellar Customer Support: When you have ambitious SEO goals and want good search engine rankings (or need a 5-minute crash course to find some), you need to be sure that you can respond to problems that come up as quickly as possible. WPX boasts a 30-second response time for their customer support, a feature I’ve personally tested multiple times. Such rapid responsiveness is invaluable, especially when unforeseen issues arise that could hamper your SEO. Their support team not only responds quickly but is also known for their expertise, ensuring that any problem you encounter is addressed effectively.

7. Tailored SEO & Performance Tools: WPX brings additional SEO tools and services to the table. The emphasis on performance doesn’t just mean faster page loads but an overall optimized environment conducive to SEO. From free email to SEO-specific hosting, WPX curates a holistic ecosystem for your website.

If SEO is your game, WPX might just be your MVP. I’ve entrusted them with hosting my website,, and as of now I am very satisfied with their services. It’s proved to be the fastest web hosting that we’ve found.

They also have a massive collection of free themes available to choose from and allow support for up to 5 sites for one price. Yet another reason why we consider WPX the best WordPress hosting.

(90% off the first month with coupon MATT90)

  • Fast Service & Optimized Performance for WordPress websites
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Daily Malware Scanning, DDoS protection
  • Free Site Migrations

  • Expensive

(90% off the first month with coupon MATT90)

2. Siteground: eCommerce Hosting Done Right

If you’re starting and planning to grow an online business, your small business web hosting needs will be more complex than those of a casual blogger.

You’ll need a host that provides ample resources for rich media like product images and videos, and solid SEO features.

Among the myriad of hosting providers, one name that often bubbles up to the surface for e-commerce platforms is Siteground.Best for Online Business - SitegroundHere’s why SiteGround might be the go-to choice for your online store:

1. Disk Space Catered to E-commerce: Think of this as your digital warehouse. The disk space storage needs of an e-commerce website can differ vastly compared to regular blogs. High-quality product images, videos, and a plethora of product details necessitate a generous amount of space. With SiteGround, not only do they provide a recommended initial range of 10-30 GBs of space, but they also have flexible options for expansion as part of larger packages – all at competitive rates.

storage almost full

2. Customer Support with E-commerce Expertise: As the lifeline of your online store, even a short span of downtime can result in tangible profit losses. This makes the quality and rapidity of customer support essential. SiteGround doesn’t just boast of support; they bring expertise in the domain of e-commerce, ensuring your store’s SEO and uptime are always optimal.

customer service agents

3. Enhanced Shop Features: SiteGround stands out for its holistic approach to e-commerce hosting. They offer support for key SEO plugins like Elementor, Jetpack, and Optinmonster, simplifying the creation and management of your online store. By selecting SiteGround, you could potentially save significantly on essential tools and plugins, a benefit that not all hosts offer.

4. VPS Hosting Plans: A unique proposition of SiteGround is their VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting plans. These plans artfully mimic the benefits of a dedicated hosting environment but at a more economical price point. For growing e-commerce businesses, this strikes a fine balance between performance and cost.

5. A Track Record of Excellence: With a legacy that spans several years and a portfolio hosting about 2 million domains, SiteGround’s reputation is hard-earned. They might not match WPX in terms of ticket response time, but their specialization in e-commerce sets them apart.

There’s no one-size-fits-all in the world of e-commerce hosting. But if you’re hunting for a solution that understands the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of online business, SiteGround might just be worth a test drive. And who knows? It could be the partnership that shifts your e-commerce venture into the fast lane.

  • Excellent Customer Support
  • Fast Loading Times
  • Robust Security Measures
  • Flexibility

  • Higher Renewal Rates

3. HostPapa: Tailored Solutions for Bloggers

In the SEO blogging sphere, choosing the right host is often half the battle. HostPapa emerges as an ace, particularly for those just dipping their toes into the expansive blogging ecosystem.Best for Blog - HostpapaLet’s deep-dive into what makes HostPapa a Diggity-approved choice:

1. Platform Compatibility: For those of us in the SEO world, WordPress is our playground. HostPapa excels with a seamless WordPress integration. If you’re venturing beyond WordPress, be sure to check compatibility. With HostPapa, you’re backed by a host that adapts to diverse blogging platforms.

2. Essential SEO Blog Plugins: A robust domain isn’t just about content; it’s about the tools behind the scenes. HostPapa nails it with support for SEO heavyweights like Yoast. And for anyone who’s battled comment spam (let’s be honest, that’s all of us), HostPapa’s integration with Akismet is a lifesaver.

plug in icon


3. Reliable Performance: In the Diggity test lab, we’ve seen how even a minor performance hiccup can derail SEO gains. HostPapa is known for its consistent uptime and swift page loads – two metrics we can’t stress enough in SEO.

When we talk about tailored hosting experiences, HostPapa fits the bill. A blend of crucial plugins, steadfast performance, and features that cover the A-Z of hosting make HostPapa a top contender in the SEO blogging domain.

  • Eco Friendly Hosting
  • Various Hosting Options
  • User Friendly Interface

  • Potential Performance Issues

4. Wix: Fusion of Intuitive Design and Proven SEO Strategies

Web hosting is a game of numbers and metrics. It’s not just about a seamless experience; it’s about delivering tangible results in terms of speed, compatibility, and more. When we pivot the conversation towards platforms designed for easy site building, we can’t ignore the massive strides Wix has made.Best Site Builder - WixHere’s a data-backed deep dive into why Wix is turning heads:

1. SEO & Web Design Combined: Sure, Wix makes website building a breeze with its drag-and-drop functionality. But where’s the data? Well, a quick analysis of the average Wix user’s experience indicates a significant drop in site launch time. This reduced time-to-market means SEO efforts can commence sooner, translating into faster potential organic traffic gains.

site builder illustration

2. Template/Theme Variety: Wix offers an impressive range of templates, but the emphasis isn’t just on aesthetics. These templates are backed by data insights on user behavior, ensuring that not only do they look good, but they also align with SEO best practices. Ever wonder why certain Wix templates rank better? It’s a mix of design psychology and SEO compatibility.

website themes for wordpress

3. Quality Customer Support: In the web hosting realm, delays can cost, both in terms of revenue and SEO. From our analysis, Wix’s customer support response times are considerably lower than the industry average. What this translates to is faster problem resolution and minimal downtimes, ensuring your site’s SEO doesn’t take an unintended hit.

4. SEO Tools – More Than Just Plugins: The platform isn’t only about designing your website; it’s about optimizing it too. Wix provides built-in SEO tools, which might sound standard until you realize that these tools are grounded in actionable data insights. From keyword suggestions to on-page optimization pointers, Wix’s tools aren’t generic plugins; they’re data-driven SEO assets.

If you’re in the market for a web design platform that understands the nuances of SEO and doesn’t sacrifice performance for user-friendliness, Wix demands attention. Its blend of intuitive design, coupled with an underlying emphasis on SEO, is not just a claim—it’s backed by metrics. And as any seasoned digital marketer will tell you, in the SEO game, data always wins.

  • Intuitive Drag-And-Drop Editor
  • Extensive Template Library
  • Scalable Plans

  • Difficulty in Changing Templates
  • Limited Customization on Free Plan

5. Bluehost: The SEO-Centric Lowdown on a Budget-Friendly Host

Cost-efficiency is a prized asset for any SEO professional. But with countless hosting options crowding the market, where does Bluehost fit in, and can it serve the needs of the SEO-savvy?Best Cheap - BluehostLet’s dissect its offerings with cold, hard data.

1. Affordability Analyzed: The allure of Bluehost lies in its pricing. In our deep dive, the monthly fee stands out, presenting a strong value proposition. But here’s the kicker: low cost doesn’t equate to stripped-down features. Bluehost serves up the essentials – and with some surprising add-ons.

cheap website

However, be warned.

You won’t be saving any money if you have to pay extra for programs or SEO plugins that you need because they aren’t included in your hosting package.

2. Transparent Fee Structures: In the tangled web of hosting costs, hidden fees can sting. Our research into user reviews and cost breakdowns across multiple platforms indicated Bluehost as a front-runner in pricing transparency. Their up-front approach? It’s a refreshing deviation from industry norms.

price table

3. Shared Hosting – the Right Way: The term ‘shared hosting’ often sends shivers down the spine of seasoned SEO pros. It usually translates to slower speeds and shared resources. But here’s the data-backed twist: Not all shared hosting is made equal. Bluehost’s shared offering stands apart, with fewer instances of server overloads in our tests.

4. Features that Matter: Sure, Bluehost isn’t the Rolls Royce of hosting when it comes to bells and whistles. But our tests highlight that Bluehost nails the fundamentals. The free SSL certificate? Check. 24/7 live chat? Double-check. And not just any support – the response times were more than satisfactory, ensuring your SEO operations aren’t hamstrung by extended downtimes.

SEO and affordability don’t always walk hand in hand. But with Bluehost, the synergy is evident. Bluehost is a barebone hosting provider that delivers refreshingly reliable shared hosting plans for less than the cost of a cup of coffee per month.

If your operations demand a budget-friendly host without jeopardizing your SEO endeavors, Bluehost warrants a closer look. And as our data reveals, it’s a host that delivers on its promises without burning a hole in your pocket.

  • User-Friendly Interface
  • WordPress Integration
  • Affordable Starter Plans

  • Inconsistent Customer Support Service
  • Upselling Practices

If you’re interested in learning more about why some of the SEO benefits we’ve discussed matter so much, you won’t want to miss the next section. I’m going to take you through some of the ways that hosting interacts with SEO in a lot more detail.

Buyer’s Guide

There is a big difference between hosting that’s almost good enough, and the best web hosting provider that’s perfect for your needs. This section will serve as an in-depth examination of the factors that went into judging each winner. For additional tips, you can check our article on choosing the best web hosting service.

hosting and SEO performance


Load Time

Load time, the duration a website takes to fully load after search engine clicks, significantly affects SEO. Though faster sites don’t necessarily receive an SEO boost, slow ones can be penalized for poor user experience.

About a decade ago, Google began penalizing slow-loading websites in desktop searches. With the recent ‘speed update’, this penalty extends to mobile searches [5]. Websites with increased loading time, regardless of the reason, risk facing these penalties.

The correct hosting choice can mitigate this risk, while an incorrect one may negate your website’s SEO efforts.

Uptime & Bounce Rate

Your hosting provider significantly influences your website’s uptime, which is the measure of its availability and accessibility to users.

Frequent downtime harms SEO directly by making your content inaccessible during website outages, leading to potential conversion losses.

server uptime alarm

Indirectly, downtime leads to adverse statistics like high bounce rates. If a user visits your website during downtime and leaves quickly, this is termed “bouncing”. High bounce rates (the percentage of visitors leaving without interaction) can invite search engine penalties.

Downtime-induced bounce rates can inflate your long-term bounce rate, which can take months to correct depending on your website’s traffic. Thus, the choice of your hosting provider can affect not just immediate SEO efforts but also pose long-term SEO challenges.

bounce rate graph

Security Features

The ideal hosting provider will choose to be proactive when it comes to the delivery of the latest, new hosting features. They’ll keep their eyes on the latest industry news, including new security vulnerabilities that need to be addressed immediately for the safety of your site.

You’ll know when you’ve made a bad choice because some hosts are prone to be hacked over and over again [6].

They should also comply with governmental regulations like GDPR, evident from their privacy policy.

Additionally, choose a provider who adopts the newest features promptly to enhance load time, ensuring a superior customer experience.

server security


Your website may have problems even with the best services. Sometimes they’ll happen because the staff is overtaxed, and sometimes they’ll happen because of mistakes that you’ve made. Occasionally, they’ll be the product of disasters neither side can prevent or control.

However, what is typically more consistent is the way that your provider responds to each problem. Even when it can’t be solved quickly, getting information like ETAs as fast as possible will give you the power to at least pass some reassurance on to your clients.

customer service representative

Even the best hosting services can encounter issues due to staff overload, user mistakes, or unforeseen disasters. What remains consistent is the provider’s response. A good hosting partner, like WPX, promptly communicates essential information like ETAs, addresses complaints, and offers expert solutions, often through 24/7 live chat support.

Conversely, poor hosting providers may be unreachable during downtime, and ill-equipped to handle technical issues, leading you to spend your time fixing them. Depending on your time’s value, cheap hosting could ultimately cost more than a reliable partner due to these management issues.


Evaluate your budget and look into the different pricing models of various tools. You’ll find that some have tiered plans determined by specific features or usage restrictions, while others might utilize a one-time buying option or operate on a subscription basis.


What Is The Difference Between Web Hosting And Web Server?

The difference between a web server and web hosting lies in their functions. A web server is a designated computer that stores and serves your website content to the internet. In contrast, web hosting is the service offered by companies that manage these servers to display your website to users.

What’s The Difference Between Host and Domain?

The difference between a host and a domain is that the host refers to the computer server storing your website’s files, while the domain is the website’s address.

Can I Host a Website Without a Domain Name?

Yes, you can host a website without a domain name. Typically by using platforms like However, a personal domain name offers greater autonomy and branding for your online identity.

How Many Types of Web Hosting Are There?

There are four primary types of web hosting: shared (multiple websites on one server), dedicated (a dedicated server for your site), VPS (a digital version of dedicated hosting without relying on a physical server), and cloud (utilizing cloud infrastructure).

What Do Small Businesses Often Struggle With Regarding Their Hosting?

Frequent concerns for small businesses related to hosting encompass performance slowdowns, security vulnerabilities, and inadequate customer service.

To mitigate these issues, select a hosting plan that offers boundless bandwidth, robust hardware, complimentary SSL certificates, and round-the-clock support. Additionally, ensure they provide a refund policy for subpar experiences.

What’s The Best Hosting Provider for SEO?

Now that you understand your options for each class of website, and why they matter so much, you should be able to select a hosting company that will give you the experience that you need.

I can assure you that the winners I’ve chosen are there because my own experience has shown me that they can be trusted. WPX is my favorite and the one I use for all the sites that I need to rank quickly in search engines.

Use coupon MATT90 to get 90% off your first month of hosting

Our #1 Recommendation: WPX Hosting

  • Editor's Choice
Overall Rating:

Load Time


Support Score


Key Features:
  • 15 GB of Storage
  • 200 GB of Bandwidth
  • Custom CDN (34 global locations)
  • Staging area creation.
  • Unlimited site migrations to WPX.
  • Malware scanning
  • Free SSL certificates
  • 24/7/365 customer support

What more do you want?

Use coupon MATT90 to get 90% off your first month


Article by

Matt Diggity

Matt is the founder of Diggity Marketing, LeadSpring, The Search Initiative, The Affiliate Lab, and the Chiang Mai SEO Conference. He actually does SEO too.

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